mercredi 26 février 2014

Arkanul-Islam: The Five Pillars Of Islam (The Actions)

1.      Shahadatain (Testimony): To bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (The Creator), and thatMuhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is His Messenger.Muslims are obliged to follow his exemplary life as a model.
2.      Salaah: Daily prayers are offered five times a day as a duty towards Allah . They strengthen and enliven the belief in Allahand inspire man to a higher morality. They purify the heartand prevent temptation towards wrong-doings and evil things. They are:
                               I.            Salaatul-Fajr (The Dawn Prayer)
                           II.            Salaatul-Dhuhr (The Noon Prayer)
                        III.            Salaatul-Asr (The Afternoon Prayer)
                        IV.            Salaatul-Maghrib (The Sunset Prayer)
                            V.            Salaatul-Isha (The Evening Prayer)

3.      Zakaah (Charity): The literal and simple meaning of Zakaah is purity, while its technical meaning designates the annual amount in kind or cash that a Muslim with means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries from his yearly net savings. But the religious and spiritual significance of Zakaah is much deeper and more valuable than its humanitarian, andsocio-political value.

4.      Sawm (Fasting): The Muslims during the month ofRamadhaan do not only abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset but they are also required to refrain from evil intentions and desires throughout the whole months of the year in general, and during the month ofRamadhaan in particular. It teaches love, sincerity and devotion, and develops a sound social conscience, patience, selflessness and will power as well.
5.      Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca): It is to be performed once in a lifetime, so long as one can afford it financially and physically, and it is the largest annual convention of faith where Muslims meet to know one another, study their common affairs and promote their general welfare without prejudice or bias as to one's color, race, nationality as well as status in life. After all, everyone is equal in the sight of Allah , and so Hajj therefore demonstrates in effect the universality of Islam and the brotherhood and equality of Muslims.

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