What is islam

The word “Islam” is an Arabic word which means “submission to the will of God”. This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word “salam”, which means “peace”.

The Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him

The mission of the last and final prophet of God was to simply teach that “there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Almighty God”, as well as being a living example of God’s revelation. In simple terms, God sent the revelation to Muhammad, who in turn taught it, preached it, lived it and put it into practice.

The Holly Quran

The Arabic world “Al-Quran” literally means “the recitation”. When used in regards to Islam, the word Quran means God’s final message to mankind, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran, sometimes spelled Koran, is the literal the word of God - as it clearly says time and time again.

The Oneness of God

The foundation of the Islamic faith is belief in the Oneness of Almighty God - the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus. Islam teaches that a pure belief in One God is intuitive in human beings and thus fulfils the natural inclination of the soul

Islam for a Better Life

Islam teaches that true happiness can only be obtained by living a life full of God-consciousness and being satisfied with what God has given us.

vendredi 28 février 2014

Poster: 7 Tips for understanding the Quran !

It is logical that one wanting to learn about a faith 

would start by reading its most holy text. 

For some, however, the Quran can be difficult to sit down 

and read from cover to cover. 

The revelation was given over a period of decades, and each

 verse has a particular scriptural and 

historical context. The themes of the Quran are interwoven 

among the chapters, and the 

book is not in chronological order. So how does one begin to

 understand its message?

This Poster will be answer us

Poster:Wasting time is worse than death

 wasting time cuts you off from Allah and the Hereafter, while death only cuts you off from this world and its inhabitants. If the human being dies while he is a God-fearing believer, he is only cut off from this dunya and its inhabitants, and resides with those of the highest levels, leaving these people behind, and this is in no way considered a loss. Rather, it is the supreme success, and every person will die and depart. However, such a person will depart this level of people for those of the higher levels, and from this world to the world of eternity, pleasure, and praising of Allah.

The Challenge of the Quran

The Quran is not only unique in the way in which it presents its subject matter, but it is also unique in that it is a miracle itself.  By the term “miracle,” we mean the performance of a supernatural or extraordinary event which cannot be duplicated by humans.  It has been documented that Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, challenged the Arabs to produce a literary work of a similar caliber as the Quran, but they were unable to do so in spite of their well-known eloquence and literary powers.  The challenge to reproduce the Quran was presented to the Arabs and mankind in three stages:

l.      The Whole Quran

In the Quran, God commanded the Prophet to challenge all of creation to create a book of the stature of the Quran:
“Say: ‘If all mankind and the jinn would come together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce its like even though they exerted all their strength in aiding one another.’” (Quran 17:88)

2.      Ten Chapters

Next, God made the challenge ostensibly easier by asking those who denied its divine origin to imitate even ten chapters of the Quran:
“Or do they say that he has invented it?  Say (to them), ‘Bring ten invented chapters like it, and call (for help) on whomever you can besides God, if you are truthful.” (Quran 11:13)

3.      One Chapter

This final challenge was to produce even a single chapter to match what is in the Quran, whose shortest chapter, al-Kawthar, consists of only three verses:
“And if you all are in doubt about what I have revealed to My servant, bring a single chapter like it, and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful.” (Quran 2:23)

These challenges were not just empty words with no one caring to prove them wrong.  Prophet Muhammad’s call to monotheism, to the abolition of idolatry in all its forms, and to the equality of slaves and their masters threatened the whole socio-economic framework of Mecca society in general, and the position of the ruling Quraishee tribe from which the Prophet came in particular.  Mecca, the trading center of Arabia, as well as its spiritual center, desperately wanted to stop the spread of Islam.  Yet all that the Prophet’s opponents had to do to crush the movement was to make up a single chapter like any one of those which the Prophet and his followers were reciting to the people.  A number of Quraishee orators and poets tried to imitate the Quran, but they failed.  They then resorted to offering him vast amounts of wealth, the position of king over them, and the most noble and beautiful of their women in exchange for his promise to stop inviting people to Islam.

jeudi 27 février 2014

The miracle is here

One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Quran does not appear to them to be what they expected.  What they assume is that they have an old book which came fourteen centuries ago from the Arabian desert;

 and they expect that the book should look something like that - an old book from the desert.  And then they find out that it does not resemble what they expected at all.  Additionally, one of the first things that some people assume is that because it is an old book which comes from the desert, it should talk about the desert.  Well the Quran does talk about the desert - some of its imagery describes the desert; but it also talks about the sea - what it’s like to be in a storm on the sea.

3- Human Nature

Throughout the history of the world, the majority of people have believed in God.  There seems to be something built in the human mind that makes us want to believe.
Over the last decade some really startling facts have been found that show that children have an innate belief in God.  Dr Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford Centre for Anthropology and Mind, states “The preponderance of scientific evidence for the past 10 years or so has shown that a lot more seems to be built into the natural development of children’s minds than we once thought, including a predisposition to see the natural world as designed and purposeful and that some kind of intelligent being is behind that purpose…” He adds that “If we threw a handful [of children] on an island and they raised themselves…they would believe in God”[3].  

To put it simply, his answer as to why anyone would believe in God is that, our minds are designed to do so.  Disbelief in God is something which is unnatural to the human being.  Oxford University development psychologist Dr Olivera Petrovich, who is an expert in the Psychology of Religion states that, belief in God develops naturally and that “atheism is definitely an acquired position”[4].
So where did this natural belief in a creator come from?  We can’t say it is taught by society as this belief is innate, and studies show that it is independent of societal pressures and is cross-cultural[5].

The best explanation for this belief is that God has instilled it into humanity.You have just read three independent reasons why it makes sense to believe in God.  Belief in God is not only rational but it’s also part of human nature.  There are many questions raised by the existence of God, such as why is there evil and suffering in the world? Doesn’t evolution disprove God? Do we have a purpose in life? All these issues and more will be answered in future articles.

[3] Justin L.  Barrett, Why Would Anyone Believe in God?
[4] Dr Olivera Petrovich, Childs Theory of World

[5] Justin L.  Barrett, Jonathan A.  Lanman, The Science of Religious Beliefs

"2- Beginning of the Universe"

If something has always existed it doesn’t need a creator.  In the first part of the 20th century some physicists held the view that the universe had always existed.  If the universe had always existed it wouldn’t need a creator.
However, according to Cosmology the universe had a beginning some 14 billion years ago with a cosmic event commonly known as the ‘Big Bang’[2].

Imagine you heard a loud bang, and you asked ‘where did that sound come from?’ Would you be satisfied with the answer that it came from ‘nothing’ and it ‘just happened?’ Of course not!  You would say ‘what was the cause of that loud bang?’ In the same way, rationally the ‘Big Bang’ must also have a cause that bought it about.  Now we can ask since the ‘Big Bang’ has a cause, what was the cause of that cause? Then we can ask, what was the cause of that cause? And so on and so on.  But this can’t go on forever and must end with a first cause, because of the following example:
Imagine a sniper who has just found his target and calls back to base to get permission to shoot.  The person at the base tells the sniper to hold on while they seek permission from someone else higher up.  So the guy higher up seeks permission from the guy even higher up and so on and so on.  If this goes on forever, will the sniper ever get to shoot the target?
The obvious answer is that he wouldn’t be able to shoot.  The only way the sniper can shoot is if someone gives permission without asking for anyone else’s permission.  That person would be the first cause of the sniper shooting.  In the same way, the Big Bang must have a first cause.
We can conclude that this first cause must be powerful as it brought the whole universe into existence, and it must be intelligent as it caused the ‘laws of science’ which govern the universe.  Also, this first cause must be timeless, spaceless and immaterial, because time, space and matter began at the ‘Big Bang’.  Finally, since it is uncaused it must have always existed.
All of these attributes of the first cause make up the basic concept of God.  God is the uncreated first cause of the universe.

[2] Derek Raine, An Introduction to Science of Cosmology

Reasons for one God "1- The Universe"


When we reflect upon the nature of our world, we see order everywhere from the water cycle to the movement of the earth around the sun.  Commenting on the order found in the universe, the physicist Stephen Hawking explains that the overwhelming impression ‘‘is one of order, the more we discover about the universe, the more we find that it is governed by rational laws.’’[1]  This observation is shared by the vast majority of scientists.

Since the universe has order and is governed by the ‘laws of science’, we should question how this order came about.  The most effective way to answer this question is to reason to the best conclusion.  Take your mobile phone for example, your phone is made of glass, plastic and metal.  Glass comes from sand, plastic comes from oil and metal is extracted from the ground.  Imagine you were walking in a desert (where there is lots of oil, sand and metals in the ground), and you found a mobile phone lying around.  Would you believe that it came together by itself? That the Sun shone, the wind blew, lightning struck, the oil bubbled to the surface and mixed with the sand and metal, and over millions of years the mobile came together by chance?

No one would believe such an explanation.  A mobile phone is clearly something that was put together in an organized way, so it would be rational to believe that it must have an organizer.  In the same way, when we see the order in the universe, isn’t it rational to say that the universe also has been organized in an amazing way by some being?
This organization is best explained by the existence of God.  God is the one who brought about the order in the universe.

[1] Antony Flew, There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind
 (Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Can there be more than one such creator?

The Quran tells us that this is impossible:
“God never had a child, nor have there been any gods beside him.  [Had there been any], each of them would have appropriated to himself what he created, and some would have overcome others…” (Quran 23:91)
This Quranic argument was paraphrased by some Muslims theologians in a way somewhat like the following:
The assumption that there are gods beside the one true God leads to false consequences and must therefore be false.  If there is more than one god, then:
(a)   if every detail of everything in the world was the result of the action of one of the gods, it cannot at the same time be the result of the action of another god.  But if,
(b)  some things in the world were created by some gods, and others by other gods, then each god would rule independently over what he created, which means that nothing in his world can even in principle, be influenced by anything outside it.  But this contradicts the observed unity and interdependence of the world.  And if that is impossible, then
(c)   some gods will overcome others, but if that happens then the ones who are vanquished cannot be true gods. There can, therefore, be no more than one creator.

How does this creator create?  Since He is self-sufficient, He cannot be said to depend on anything outside Himself in any actions, and cannot therefore be said to produce His effects the way natural causes do.  But if He is not a natural cause, He must be a volitional agent.  And since intention implies knowledge, and knowledge and intention imply life, he must be a living being.  Since He is an eternal and everlasting being, all His attributes must reflect this quality; thus He must be not only knowing, but all-knowing, not only powerful, but all-powerful, etc.
Since no matter in any form can answer to these attributes, and since all these attributes are implied by the two attributes of eternity and everlastingness, no form of matter can be either eternal or everlasting, and thus no matter of any form can play the role of that ultimate cause.  This much of the attributes that an eternal and everlasting creator must have is enough, I suppose, to show that it cannot be matter.

The nature of matter

 This conclusion can be further confirmed by what modern science tells us about the nature of matter.

Why should He be the God of Islam?

Some might say, ‘Granted that this god is a personal and living God, and that He has the attributes which you mentioned, why should He be the God of Islam and not, say the Christian or Jewish God?’  The God of Islam is the God of all true prophets of God from Adam down to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.  But it is a basic claim of the religion with which Muhammad came that previous religions (including Christianity and Judaism) have not been kept in their pristine form which those prophets advocated, but have been tampered with and distorted.  The only religion whose book has taken upon itself to be preserved from any such distortions is the religion of the last of God’s prophets, namely Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.  This is not to say that everything in those religions is false or bad.  No!  There is much in them that is good and true; it is only those elements in them that contradict Islam which must be false or bad.  But even if they were to be purged of everything that is not in consonance with Islam, they would still be less perfect than Islam is, especially in their conceptions of God, therefore unsuitable for being universal religions.

Having said this, let me give one example of a non-Islamic religious belief which the Quran considers to be a stupendous blasphemy against God, namely that He has children.  At the time of the Prophet, some Arabs believed that the angels were the daughters of God, while some Christians believed that Jesus was the son of God, and some Jews believed that Ezra was the son of God.

  Just as the Quran gave arguments for the impossibility of there being any gods besides the one true God, it also gave elaborate arguments to show the impossibility of Him having a child, whether male or female.  If the Creator is one and self-sufficient, then He is also unique, ahad:
“…Nothing is like Him...” (Quran 42:11)
But if so then:
“He neither begets nor is He begotten.” (Quran 112:3)
“…How can He have a child if He has no wife, and if He created everything?...” (Quran 6:101)
The Quran is here saying that the claim that God has children contradicts the facts (acknowledged by those who make this claim) that He is the Creator of everything, that He is self-sufficient, and that He has no spouse.  Now if He is the creator of everything, this necessarily includes the one who is claimed to be His child.  But if this is created by Him, it cannot be His child; it has to be one of His creations.  One does not create one’s child; one begets it.  If it is insisted that the child is actually begotten and not created by God, this will entail the following false consequences:
The begotten child must be of the same nature as its father, in which case God will not be unique or one.
God will not be the creator of everything.
God will have to have a spouse, who must of course be of the same nature as He is, otherwise they cannot beget anything.
But in that case the number of beings who are of the same nature as God will be raised to three.
If the child is begotten then it cannot be eternal, i.e. it cannot be of the same nature as the father.
It must therefore be temporal; but in that case it has to have a creator.  But if the God who is its father cannot at the same time be its creator, then there must be its creator, then there must be another creator besides that God the father; but in that case, this other creator will be the one true creator because it was through his power that the first one was able to beget its son.  This will raise the number of gods to four.
No wonder than that the Quran said about those who claimed that God has a child:
“You have indeed come with something most monstrous, of which the skies almost burst, the earth split asunder, and the mountains fall down in utter ruin.  All this because of their attributing a child to God.” (Quran 19:89-91)

The Creator?

At first:Can It Be Matter?

A very popular question among atheists is, ‘Granted that the existence of temporal things necessitates the existence of an eternal cause, why should that cause be the God of religion?  Why can’t matter be eternal and be therefore in no need of an eternal creator?’ 

 I shall argue, on an Islamic basis but at the same time also on a rational basis, that the attribute of eternity entails other attributes, which matter does not and cannot have, and cannot, in view of this, play the role of the original and ultimate cause of temporal things.  Muslim theologians say that eternity of existence logically implies everlastingness.  This is true because, if something is eternal then it does not depend for its existence on anything outside itself.  If this is so then it can never pass away, because only those things pass away that lose some of the external conditions on which they depend for their existence.  If the ultimate cause of temporal things is eternal and everlasting, it must of necessity be self-sufficient, [in Arabic] qayyoom and ghanee.

What is a Miracle in islam?

God sent the Prophets and Messengers primarily to guide humankind.  They were humans, of outstanding character, pious and trustworthy, that the people could emulate and look to for direction.  They were not gods, demi-gods or saints with divine qualities, rather they were mere mortals charged with a difficult task.  They possessed exceptional characteristics because they were obligated to face extraordinary trials and tribulations in order to spread the message to worship God Alone. 
“And I (God) created not the jinn[1]  and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)”.  (Quran 51:56)

In order to make each Prophet credible in his particular time and place, God granted them miracles, pertinent, relevant and understandable to the people to whom they were sent.  In the time of Moses magic and sorcery were prevalent therefore Moses’ miracles appealed to the people he was sent to guide.  In the time of Muhammad, the Arabs, although predominantly unlettered, were masters of the spoken word.  Their poetry and prose were considered outstanding and a model of literary excellence and the miracle of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, was of this nature and much more..The miracle that defined Prophet Solomon was his unique kingdom.  At the time of Jesus, the Israelites were very knowledgeable in the field of medicine.  Consequently, the miracles Jesus performed were of this nature and included returning sight to the blind, healing lepers and raising the dead.   
“And you heal those born blind and the lepers by My leave.   And behold!  You bring forth the dead by My leave.” (Quran 5:10)
karamah is an extraordinary matter or event that is brought about at the hands of a believer who obeys God, refrains from sin and whose piety at a very high level in the sight of God. Unlike a miracle which is meant to be done publically so that people would recognize the truthfulness of the Prophet, akaramah usually only benefits the one to whom it is given.  A karamah could include such things as knowledge, power or something astonishing such as thekaramah that was given to Usayd ibn al-Hudayr, one of Prophet Muhammad’s companions. A group of angels in a cloud of light shaded Usayd when he recited Quran[2].  A karamah also occurred for Maryam, the mother of Prophet Jesus.
So her Lord accepted her with goodly acceptance.  He made her grow in a good manner and put her under the care of Zakariya .  Every time he entered her praying place, he found her supplied with sustenance.  He said: “O Maryam (Mary)!  From where have you got this?”  She said, “This is from God.  Verily, God provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit.” (Quran 3:37)
A miracle results in nothing but good and is given by the Almighty to the Prophets as a sign of their veracity.  This is coupled with a life of exemplary morals and character, and a message of goodness. 
Magic can also bring about something extraordinary; however no good can come from magic.  It is performed by evil people and is done by seeking the help of the devils and drawing close to them[3].  Miracles cannot be learnt or undone, whereas magic can be learnt, cancelled out or undone.
Prophet Moses’ encounter with the magicians at Pharaoh’s court explains the difference between magic and miracles.
They said: “O Musa (Moses)! Either you throw (first), or shall we have the (first) throw?” He (Moses) said: “Throw you (first).” When they threw they bewitched the eyes of the people, and struck terror into them, and they displayed a great magic.  And We revealed to Moses, “Throw your stick,” and behold! It swallowed up straight away all the falsehoods which they showed.  Thus truth was confirmed, and all that they did was made of no effect.  So they were defeated there and returned disgraced.  And the magicians fell down prostrate. (Quran 7:115-120)
The magicians understood that Moses was not preforming a trick or illusion as they had done.  They understood deception well and knew that Moses’ actions were a miracle.  Thus they accepted the truth and fell down in prostration to God, knowing full well that it would bring about their death for disobeying Pharaoh.   
Miracles can be of two types; those that occur at the request of the people, who want a sign of the veracity of the Prophet who was sent to them and the second type,  occur without being requested.  An example of the first type is when Prophet Saleh’s people requested he bring out from behind the mountain a she camel and her offspring. As well, when the unbelievers in Mecca asked the Prophet Muhammad to show them a miracle, he showed them the splitting of the moon.  One of Prophet Muhammad’s companions mentioned this event saying, “We were with God’s Messenger at Mina, when the moon was split in two parts.  One part was behind the mountain and the other one was on this side of the mountain.  God’s Messenger said to us, “Bear witness to this”[4].
An example of the second type is what happened when the tree trunk cried and longed for Prophet Muhammad.  He, the Prophet used to give his Friday speech while leaning on a palm tree.  One of his followers suggested they make a pulpit for him and they did. So the next Friday when the Prophet stood on the pulpit, the tree trunk began whimpering for him like a child. 
Muslims believe that the Quran itself is a miracle.  Prophet Muhammad said, “Every Prophet was given miracles on account of which their people believed; but, I have been given divine revelation which Allah has revealed to me, so I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of other Prophets on Resurrection Day.”[5] Prophet Muhammad was implying that the Quran itself is the greatest miracle of all time; it is a miraculous book filled with miracles of all kinds.  Its revelation, literary excellence, and its content, including scientific, prophetic and historical information, all contribute to Quran’s status as a miracle

[1] To learn more about the Jinn, please see: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/669/viewall/
[2] Saheeh Al-Bukhari
[3] For details, please see: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5246/
[4] Saheeh Muslim
[5] Saheeh Al-Bukhari

mercredi 26 février 2014

Poster:Tree of the Prophets

This is a nice poster that illustrates the tree of the beloved prophets, their ages, times of their lives and other information.



Poster: Christian Sects over the History


This wonderful poster shows the different Christian branch and denominations that have different Bibles, doctrines, beliefs, practices and knowledge about Jesus.



Poster: Gradual Development of the English Bible

This is a poster shows the gradual development of the English Bible. It also proves that the Bible was being influenced by deletion and insertion. Dear friend! Why do not you read the Quran (the final Revelation that is still preserved in its original Arabic language and free from error, deletion and insertion) that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) fourteen centuries ago in a period spanning approximately 23 years. 

Poster:The Mothers of believers

Wives of the Prophet and Home of the Prophethood

Book: What Drives People to Convert to Islam?

The nature of religious faith is quite mysterious. As part of their religious faiths, people believe in a variety of deities. There are people who have religious faith in the unseen supreme inimitable power, and then there are others who believe in some humans as Gods, or animals (e.g. monkeys), fire, idols made of stone, and the list goes on.

What Drives People to Convert to Islam? -

Book: Accepting islam a religion of all people for all places

Many people throughout the world today are searching for the truth; they search for meaning in their lives, and wonder what life is all about. Men and women ask the question, why am I here? In the midst of suffering and pain, humankind calls out silently or loudly asking for relief, or understanding. In the midst of pleasure often, a person seeks to understand the source of such elation. Sometimes people contemplate accepting Islam as their true religion but find some obstacles.

Accepting Islam a religion of all people .pdf -

Arkanul-Islam: The Five Pillars Of Islam (The Actions)

1.      Shahadatain (Testimony): To bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (The Creator), and thatMuhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is His Messenger.Muslims are obliged to follow his exemplary life as a model.
2.      Salaah: Daily prayers are offered five times a day as a duty towards Allah . They strengthen and enliven the belief in Allahand inspire man to a higher morality. They purify the heartand prevent temptation towards wrong-doings and evil things. They are:
                               I.            Salaatul-Fajr (The Dawn Prayer)
                           II.            Salaatul-Dhuhr (The Noon Prayer)
                        III.            Salaatul-Asr (The Afternoon Prayer)
                        IV.            Salaatul-Maghrib (The Sunset Prayer)
                            V.            Salaatul-Isha (The Evening Prayer)

3.      Zakaah (Charity): The literal and simple meaning of Zakaah is purity, while its technical meaning designates the annual amount in kind or cash that a Muslim with means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries from his yearly net savings. But the religious and spiritual significance of Zakaah is much deeper and more valuable than its humanitarian, andsocio-political value.

4.      Sawm (Fasting): The Muslims during the month ofRamadhaan do not only abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset but they are also required to refrain from evil intentions and desires throughout the whole months of the year in general, and during the month ofRamadhaan in particular. It teaches love, sincerity and devotion, and develops a sound social conscience, patience, selflessness and will power as well.
5.      Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca): It is to be performed once in a lifetime, so long as one can afford it financially and physically, and it is the largest annual convention of faith where Muslims meet to know one another, study their common affairs and promote their general welfare without prejudice or bias as to one's color, race, nationality as well as status in life. After all, everyone is equal in the sight of Allah , and so Hajj therefore demonstrates in effect the universality of Islam and the brotherhood and equality of Muslims.

Arkaanul-Eeman: The Fundamental Articles Of Faith In Islam(The Beliefs)

The true faithful Muslim believes in the following principal articles of faith:

1.      Belief in one God (Allah ), Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and Mighty, Merciful and Forgiving, the Creator and the Provider, He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none equal or comparable unto Him.

2.      Belief in all Messengers of Allah (Ar-Rusul) without any discrimination among them, as every known nation had a Warner or Messenger from Allah . They were chosen by Allahto teach humanity and deliver His Divine message. TheQur'aan mentions the names of some of them, andMuhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stands as the Last Messenger and the crowning glory of the foundation of prophethood.

3.      Belief in all original scriptures and revelations of Allah (Al-Kutub), accepting them as the guiding light that the messengers received to show their respective people the right path to Him. In the Qur'aan, special reference is made to the books of Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus (‘alaihimus salaam), but long before the revelation of the Qur'aan toMuhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) some of these books and revelations had been lost or corrupted. The only authentic and complete book of Allah in existence today is the Qur'aan, which has been preserved as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) in its pristine, pure form.

4.      Belief in the Angels (malaa-ikah) of Allah , recognizing them as spiritually pure and splendid beings whose nature requires no food, drink or sleep. They are honored servants who are assigned certain functions, and spend their days and nights in the worship of Allah . They do not speak before Allah does, and they act only by His command.

6.      Belief in Fate (Qadr), whether good or bad, which Allah , measured and ordained for all creation according to His previous knowledge, and as deemed suitable by His wisdom. And in the timeless knowledge of Allah , and in His power to plan and execute His plans, nothing could happen in His Kingdom against His will. His knowledge and power which are always in action command over His creation. He is Wise and Merciful, and whatever he does must have a meaningful purpose. If this is established in our minds and hearts, we should accept with good faith all that He does, although we may fail to understand it fully, or think it is bad.

Faith without action and practice is a dead end as far as Islam is concerned, for faith by nature is very sensitive and can be most influential. When it is out of practice or out of use, it quickly loses its liveliness and motivational power.

We gone study all of this point on detaills INSHALLAH.